Benedetto de la Cruz
7 2011.08.14. 10:21
5*ELITE, 4*GOOD, Excellent, Beautiful B Alphabet Horse in CdO, The Best Andalusian Breed Horse in Big Breed Competition, 1st on Andalusian Category Horse Breed, 1st Andalusian Horse in Breeds Appearance, 1st Andalusian Horse in CDL, Most Beautiful March Appearanche Bay Category Horse, Great Appearance Horse, 1st on Run to Dawn Appearance, 1st Newcomer Horse in Paris, 3rd Appearance of Rose Earth, Good Bay Horse, Jobb ló a 0-5 Kategóriában, Good Barokkian Horse, 2nd on Barokkian Appearance, Beautiful Horse of Formula 1 Color Category Appearance, 2nd Placed in DTC, BEAUTIFUL, Perfect Horse of jRock Appearance, MDI Champion, Good Couple, 2nd Placed in the First oCuple Appearance in Casa de Vida, Best, Best in WLE, 1st in Dressage for DA, PonyIsland Amateur Champion, The Most Talented Horse in Dressage, 1st Placed of Competition for Amateur Horses, Absolute Winner of Competition for Amateur Horses, 1st of Redemeer Drassage, Absolute Winner in Redemeer Dressage, 2*Nouvelle Lune Champion, ABSOLUTE, 2*BETTER, 2*Better in WLE, 2nd Dressage Beginner, 2nd Appearance Stallion
Versenyei: 23 db
1. hely: Big Breed Competition, küllem kat.
1. hely: Breeds Appearance
1. hely: March Appearance
1. hely: Run to Dawn Appearance
1. hely: Newcomers Cup in Paris, küllem kat.
1. hely: Dressage for DA, Miért fáj? kat.
1. hely: Competition for Amateur Horses, díjlovaglás kat.
1. hely: Redemeer Dressage, profi kat.
2. hely: I. CdO ABC Appearance
2. hely: Dressage Horses vs. Ponys
2. hely: Age Appearance
2. hely: Barokkian Appearance
2. hely: Formula 1 Color Category Appearance, Fernando Alonso, pej lovak kat.
2. hely: JRock Appearance, Girugamesh, pej kat.
2. hely: Couple Appearance, barokk lovak kat.
2. hely: Dressage & Appearance, díjlovaglás, kezdő kat.
2. hely: Dressage & Appearance, küllem, mén kat.
3. hely: Appearance in Rose Earth
4. hely: Hollow Szakágas Küllem, díjlovaglás kat.
4. hely: I. Desert Challenge, díjlovaglás, Assassin's Heart Grand Prix kat.
6. hely: Newcomers Cup in Paris, díjlovaglás kat.
Abszolút győztes: Competition for Amateur Horses, díjlovaglás kat.
Abszolút győztes: Redemeer Dressage, profi kat.