Bello il Sogno
szami744 2011.01.28. 19:06
Very Good Reining Western Horse, Beauty, Best Horse, Tenyésztésre Ajánlott, The 3rd Horse in Category, Good Paint Horse, WNLK Champion, Szép Tarka Ló, Perfect Horse of Bolsward, Silver Medallist Appearance Horse, Legjobb Westernló, Exclusive Horse Sport Wonderful, Champion Horse of WLK, 10*ELITE, Legszebb őszi küllemló, Best On Avalon Race and Bid Park, Gyönyörű tarka színű paci, Autumn Appearance Winner, The Frist Horse In Avalon Race Park, 2010. őszi lova, Beauty of Carte D' Or, Nagyon Szép Paint Ló, III. Color Appearance Nice Horse, Aranyos Tarka Ló, Tarka Színű Ló, Szép Gyümölcsös Tea Ló, Premium Western Horse, 2nd in Szakágak Versenye in DLVP, 1st Placed of GP Horses' Championship, Best of Western Competition, PonyIsland Champion, Champion Western Horse in DLVP, Champion in Domino Western Cup, 1st placed Western Horse in DLVP, 2nd Placed Horse in Flower Appearance, Good Appearance Horse, The Best Rainy Days Horse, Avalon Champion, Gyönyörű Esős Napi Ló, S & W Őszi Napok Jó Lova, Jó Westernló, 2nd Placed in Paint Race, Most Painted Horse, Nice Appearance for Everbody Horse, Good Western Horse, Special Horse with a Rare Colour, 1st Placed in Rare Colours' Appearance, Beautiful Appearance Horse, 3rd Placed in Most Extraordinary Marked Horses, Good of Most Extraordinary Marked Horses, The Best Horse of 2010, 1st in Champions of the Year 2010, Champion of Western, Great Horse of Appearance, 2nd in Champions of the Year 2010, Best Western Horse in WNLK World Cup, 1st in I. WNLK World Cup, 3*GOOD, 2nd Placed Western Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, 2nd Placed Western Horse in 50. Jubilee Competition, Champion Western Horse, 1st Placed of I. Only One Picture Appearance, 1st in Standing Category in The Earth Appearance, PREMIUM, 2nd in Standing Winners of The Earth Appearance, 2nd in DLVP, Better Western Horse on Salvador Cup, 2nd Placed Horse on Salvador Cup, Nice Horse with Rare Breed, 3rd Placed of III. Only One Picture, Better Amerika Horse, The Most Beautiful Horse, 1st Placed of II. Provenance Appearance, Awesome Quarter Horse At Quarter Mile, Awesome Reining Horse, Szép Ló a Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllemversenyen, Nice Stallion in Monarchia May Appearance, Awesome Western Horse, BETTER, Better Western Horse, Best Western Horse, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Branch Appearance
Versenyei: 44 db
1. hely Exclusive Horse Sport, western kat.
1. hely First Western Horse Appearance 2010
1. hely I. Őszi Küllem, egyéb kat.
1. hely Autumn Appearance, tarka kat.
1. hely I. GP Horses' Championship, western kat.
1. hely Domino Western Cup, mének kat.
1. hely Rainy Days Appearance, B kat.
1. hely Rare Colours' Appearance, tarka lovak kat.
1. hely Champions of the Year 2010, western kat.
1. hely I. WNLK World Cup, western, principiante kat.
1. hely: I. Only One Picture, western kat.
1. hely: The Earth Appearance, állós kat.
1. hely: II. Provenance Appearance, vásárolt ló kat.
1. hely: Quarters At Quarter Mile
1. hely: Reining vs. Dressage
1. hely: Branch Appearance, western kat.
2. hely Salvador Reining Cup
2. hely Márciusi Küllemverseny
2. hely Fajtakategóriás Küllemverseny, paint-horse kat.
2. hely Appearance in the Friesland, Bolsward - vágta küllem, vágta kat.
2. hely I. Őszi Küllem, tarka kat.
2. hely Varios Caballo, quarter-paint kat.
2. hely I. PICKWICK Küllemverseny, erdei gyömölcsös tea kat.
2. hely Szakágak Versenye, western edzéslappal kat.
2. hely Flower Appearance, orchidea kat., 1. csoport
2. hely Paint Race
2. hely CdO Appearance 2010, western kat.
2. hely Champions of the Year 2010, küllem, mének kat.
2. hely: 50. Jubilee Competition, western kat.
2. hely: The Earth Appearance, állós, összevetés kat.
2. hely: Salvador Cup, western kat.
2. hely: Where Are You From Appearance, Amerika kat.
2. hely: Western Horses' Big Challenge
2. hely: Special Race of Warum, western kat.
3. hely Osztályozó Tenyésszemle, mén kat.
3. hely LII. Nyári Küllem, tarka kat.
3. hely III. Colour Appearance, tarka mén kat.
3. hely CdO Horse Games 2010, western kat.
3. hely Christmas Parade, legkülönlegesebb jegy kat.
3. hely: III. Only One Picture Appearance, pinto-paint horse kat.
3. hely: Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllem, mén kat.
4. hely Colorful Appearance, tarka / cremello kat.
4. hely Storm & Wind Őszi Napok, western kat.
4. hely Appearance for Everybody, mének, 8-11 évesek kat.